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Yellow Orange Gradient
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Social Media Marketing

The use of J2EE is covered in this course through exercises and examples from the real world. The course emphasises the usage of MySQL database interfaces, Java Servlet development, Java Server Pages, error and exception handling, and other topics.






l.Introduction to JAVA EE:
• What is computer ?
• What is an application?
• Types of application?
• What is standalone application?
• What is web application?
• What is network?
• What is internet?
• What is intranet?
• What is server?
• What is database?
• What is an api?
• What is J2ee?
• Types of api's
• JAVA EE 3-tier architecture
• JAVA EE 2-tier architecture.

2. JDBC:
1. Introduction
• Steps to work with JDBC
• JDBC pre-requirements
• Installing MYSQL, DB server
• FIRST JDBC program

2. Drivers
• Introduction.
' What is a JAR file?
• About driver class
• How to load the driver class into the program
• .Types of Driver


3. Db url
• What is urt?
• Structure of dib ur

4, Connection interface
• Driver Manager class
• About the get connection method
• Connection object

5. JDBC obiects and methods
• Introduction
• Dynamic and static sol queries
• Statement and prepared statement objects
• ErecuteQueryl and crecuteUpdate() methods

6. Result Set
• How to handle the result set object
• How to process the result set object

7. Closing of 3DBC objects
• Why to close an object?
• How to close an obiect

1 Introduction
" What is web browser?
• What is web resources?
• Types of web resources
• What is web server?
• Installing of apache tomcat web server

2. About serviet
• Serviet introduction
• Creating the first servlet in web app
• Steps to create WAR file
• Build & Deployment process

3. Web URL
• Web uri structure.
• Query string.
• HITP & HITPS protocols.
• Key elements of HTTP request and HTTP response
• HITP methods.
• Difference between GET and POST.

4. Servet Container
• About servet containers & its advantages
• Request and response objects
• GetParameter) and getParameters) methods
• About XML
• About deployment descriptor(web.xmi)

5. Serviet Hierarchy
• Generic servlet

• HTTP Servlet
• Difference between Generic servlet and HTTP Servlet
• Servlet life cycle
• Single thread model servlets
• Servlet context and servlet config
• Redirect, Forward and Include

6. Attributes
• What is an attribute?
• Need of attributes
• Types of attributes

7. Cookies
• Introduction
• Steps to create a cookie in the servlet
• Types of cookies
• Life cycle of cookies
• Application of cookies

8. Session
• Introduction
• Steps to create a session in the webapp
• Types of session
• Life cycle of session
• Application of session

4. JSP:
1. Introduction
• How to create JSP
• Difference between Servlet and JSP

2. JSP Scripting Elements
• Scriptlet tag

• Expression tag
• Declaration tag

3. JSP implicit objects
• Request object
• Response object
• Config object
• Application object
• Session object

4. Exception handling in JSP
• About isErrorPage and errorPage

5. Jstl
• Introduction
• JSTL core tags
• JSTL function tags














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