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1.Introduction to JAVA EE:

• What is computer?
• What is an application?
• Types of application?
• What is standalone application?
• What is web application?
• What is network?
• What is internet?
• What is intranet?
• What is server?
• What is database?
• What is an api?
• What is Jee?
• Types of api's
• JAVA EE 3-tier architecture
• JAVA E 2-tier architecture.

2. JDBC:

1. Introduction
• Steps to work with JDBC
• JDBC pre-requirements
• Installing MYSOL,DB server
• FIRST JDBC program

2. Drivers
• Introduction.
• What is a JAR file?
• About driver class
• How to load the driver class into the program
• Types of Driver

3. Db url

• What is url?
• Structure of db url

4. Connection interface

• Driver Manager class
• About the get connection method
• Connection object

5. JDBC objects and methods

• Introduction
• Dynamic and static sql queries
• Statement and prepared statement objects
• ExecuteQuery|) and executeUpdate) methods

6. Result Set
• How to handle the result set object
• How to process the result set object

7. Closing of JDBC objects
• Why to close an object?
• How to close an object



1. Introduction

• What is web browser?
• What is web resources?
• Types of web resources
• What is web server?
• Installing of apache tomcat web server

2. About servlet

• Servlet introduction
• Creating the first servlet in web app
• Steps to create WAR file
• Build & Deployment process

3. Web URL

• Web url structure.
• Query string.
• HTTP & HTTPS protocols.
• Key elements of HTTP request and HTTP response
• HTTP methods.
• Difference between GET and POST.

4. Servlet Container

• About servlet containers & its advantages
• Request and response objects
• GetParameter) and getParameters() methods
• About XML
• About deployment

5. Servlet Hierarchy

• Generic servlet
• HTTP Serviet
• Difference between Generic servlet and HTTP Servlet
• Servlet life cycle
• Single thread model servlets
• Servlet context and servlet config
• Redirect, Forward and Include

6. Attributes

• What is an attribute?
• Need of attributes
• Types of attributes

7. Cookies

• Introduction
• Steps to create a cookie in the servlet
• Types of cookies
• Life cycle of cookies
• Application of cookies

8. Session

• Introduction
• Steps to create a session in the webapp
• Types of session
• Life cycle of session
• Application of session

4. JSP:


1. Introduction
• How to create JSP
• Difference between Serviet and SP

2. JSP Scripting Elements
& Serintler tag

Expression tag
• Declaration tag

3. JSP implicit objects
• Request object
• Response object
Config object
• Application object
• Session object

4. Exception handling in JSP
• About isErrorPage and errorPage

5. Jstl
• Introduction
• JSTL core tags
• JSTL function tags















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