Web Technology
1.Introduction to Web-technology:
What is web?
What is network?
What is internet?
What is web-development?
What is browser?
What is web-server?
What is http?
What is the use of http?
What is html?
What is website?
What is web-page?
Structure of Web
Definition of all the points
• Install of Editors
How to write program using editors
. Structure of html
What is tags?
. Types of tags
.Attributes (All tags attributes
. How to apply all the attributes in web-pages
. How to create table in Html
. Attributes of table
. Example
.Attributes of audio/video tag
. How to create audio page . How to create video page [-frame:
What is nested web-page?
How to create nested web-pages
. Attributes of nested web-pages
How to define graphics in html
.Attributes of SVG
. What is form
How to create forms using html
How to create log-in page . How to create registration page using form
Attributes of form
3. CSS-3:
What is css?
What is the use of css?
. Types of css
. How to call css inside html pages Background:
. How to set background properties
.Attributes for background
• What is box-model in css
How to work with box-model
What is selector?
. Types of selector
. How to apply selector
. What is combinators?
. Types of combinators
How it is related to selectors
Pseudo-class & Pseudo-elements:
. What is pseudo-class?
.What is pseudo-elements
. Types of pseudo-class
. Types of pseudo-elements
. How to apply
Transition, Transform & Animation in ess:
. Applications of Transition, Transform & Animation
. Use of Transition, Transform & Animation
Basic Project based on Transition,Transform & Animation.
•What is javascript?
What is the difference between java & javascript
.Application of javascript
.Advantages & Disadvantages of javascript
. Types of javascript
. Datatypes in javascript
• Looping Statement
.Conditional Statement
Function & Arrays:
. What is function
.What is array
. Types of function
Methods of array
String & Object:
.What is string
.Methods of string
.What is object
. How to create object in js
Date & Math:
What is date method
What is math method
.Methods of date & math
Collection in js:
. What is collection
. Types of collection
Advanced array methods in js
•Javascript Closure
. DOM elements in javascript
. Json in javascript .Ajax in javascript
.Canvas using javascript
Regular Expression in js:
.What is regular expression
. How to create dynamic form in js
5. Bootstrap:
What is bootstrap
How to apply bootstrap in web-pages
Benefits of using bootstrap
Grid system in bootstrap
Classes in bootstrap
How to create table using bootstrap-class
, How to create forms using bootstrap-class
•What is carousel in bootstrap How to apply all of this create one project,
Project Set-up:
. Responsive project using
Html, Css ,Javascript & bootstrap