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Python Full Stack Development

Python is a versatile all-purpose high-level language which is used for scientific data and other structured as well as unstructured data. A full-stack Python developer has expertise in using the Python suite of languages for all the applications.

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Python Full Stack Development



Module 1 : Web Programming Introduction

  • Architecture of a website

  • Different technologies in making the website

  • Web Development Introduction

Module 2 : HTML-Introduction

  • History of HTML

  • What you need to do to get going and make your first HTML page

  • What are HTML Tags and Attributes?

  • HTML Tag vs. Element

  • HTML Attributes

Module 3 : HTML-Basic Formatting Tags

  • HTML Basic Tags

  • HTML Formatting Tags

  • HTML Color Coding

Module 4 : HTML-Grouping Using Div Span

  • Div and Span Tags for Grouping

Module 5 : HTML-Lists

  • Unordered Lists

  • Ordered Lists

  • Definition list

Module 6 : HTML-Images

  • Image and Image Mapping

Module 7 : HTML-Hyperlink

  • URL – Uniform Resource Locator

  • URL Encoding

Module 8 : HTML-Table

  • < table >

  • < th >

  • < tr >

  • < td >

  • < caption >

  • < thead >

  • < tbody >

  • < tfoot >

  • < colgroup >

  • < col >

Module 9 : HTML-Iframe

  • Using Iframe as the Target

Module 10 : HTML-Form

  • < input >

  • < textarea >

  • < button >

  • < select >

  • < label >

Module 11 : HTML-Headers

  • Title

  • Base

  • Link

  • Styles

  • Script

  • Meta

Module 12 : HTML-Miscellaneous

  • HTML Meta Tag


  • HTML Deprecated Tags & Attributes


PART 2 – CSS 3

Module 1 : CSS3-Introduction

  • Benefits of CSS

  • CSS Versions History

  • CSS Syntax

  • External Style Sheet using < link >

  • Multiple Style Sheets

  • Value Lengths and Percentages

Module 2 : CSS3-Syntax

  • CSS Syntax

  • single Style Sheets

  • Multiple Style Sheets

  • Value Lengths and Percentages

Module 3 : CSS3-Selectors

  • ID Selectors

  • Class Selectors

  • Grouping Selectors

  • Universal Selector

  • Descendant / Child Selectors

  • Attribute Selectors

  • CSS – Pseudo Classes

Module 4 : CSS3-Color Background Cursor

  • background-image

  • background-repeat

  • background-position

  • CSS Cursor

Module 5 : CSS3-Text Fonts

  • color

  • background-color

  • text-decoration

  • text-align

  • vertical-align

  • text-indent

  • text-transform

  • white space

  • letter-spacing

  • word-spacing

  • line-height

  • font-family

  • font-size

  • font-style

  • font-variant

  • font-weight

Module 6 : CSS3-Lists Tables

  • list-style-type

  • list-style-position

  • list-style-image

  • list-style

  • CSS Tables

    • border

    • width & height

    • text-align

    • vertical-align

    • padding

    • color

Module 7 : CSS3-Box Model

  • Borders & Outline

  • Margin & Padding

  • Height and width

  • CSS Dimensions

Module 8 : CSS3-Display Positioning

  • CSS Visibility

  • CSS Display

  • CSS Scrollbars

  • CSS Positioning

    • Static Positioning

    • Fixed Positioning

    • Relative Positioning

    • Absolute Positioning

  • CSS Layers with Z-Index

CSS Floats

  • The float Property

  • The clear Property

  • The clear fix Hack



Section 1 : Introduction, Setup and Syntax

  1. Introduction

  2. Setup

  3. What is Javascript

  4. Course Exercise Files

  5. Practice App & Display Functions

Assignments 1 :

  1. Using a Code Editor

  2. Variables

  3. Arrays

Assignments 2 :

  1. Practice App

Section 2 : Control Structures, Functions, Math & Events

  1. If Statements

  2. Loops

  3. Math

  4. Functions

  5. Even Handlers Part:1 (Example:

  6. Event Handlers Part:2

Assignments 3 :

  1. Practice App – If Statements and Loops

  2. Practice App – Math & Functions

  3. Practice App – Events

Section 3 : Advance Scenario #01

  1. Printing Arrays

  2. Text Output Function with a Loop

  3. Built-in Functions (Displaying the Time In Javascript)

  4. Math Built-in Functions

Section 4 : Advance Scenario #02

  1. Assigning, Adding and Removing Elements from Arrays

  2. Inserting and Extracting From Arrays more functions

  3. ForloopArray Checking with Challenge Part #1

  4. ForloopArray Checking with Solution Part #2

  5. Setting Up Flags and Using Booleans

  6. Where to go next?

  7. Quick Syntax Reference/Resource File

  8. Conclusion



Course Content

  1. Introduction

  • What is Python..?

  • A Brief history of Python

  • Why Should I learn Python..?

  • Installing Python

  • How to execute Python program

  • Write your first program

  1. Variables & Data Types

  • Variables

  • Numbers

  • String

  • Lists, Tuples & Dictionary

  1. Conditional Statements & Loops

  • if…statement

  • if…else statement

  • elf…statement

  • The while…Loop

  • The for…. Loop

  1. Control Statements

  • continue statement

  • break statement

  • pass statement

  1. Functions

  • Define function

  • Calling a function

  • Function arguments

  • Built-in functions

  1. Modules & Packages

  • Modules

  • How to import a module…?

  • Packages

  • How to create packages

  1. Classes & Objects

  • Introduction about classes & objects

  • Creating a class & object

  • Inheritance

  • Methods Overriding

  • Data hiding

  1. Files & Exception Handling

  • Writing data to a file

  • Reading data from a file

  • Read and Write data from csv file

  • try…except

  • try…except…else

  • finally

  • os module

Module 3 : Getting started with Python Libraries

  • what is data analysis ?

  • why python for data analysis ?

  • Essential Python Libraries

  • Installation and setup

  • Ipython

  • Jupyter Notebook

  • 7 VS 3.5

Module 4 :Working with Pandas

  • Installing pandas

  • Pandas data frames

  • Pandas Series

  • Data aggregation with Pandas Data Frames

  • Concatenating and appending Data Frames

  • Joining Data Frames

Module 5 : Data Loading, Storage and file format

  • Writing CSV files with numpy and pandas

  • JSON Data

  • YAML Data

Module 6 : Python Regular Expressions

  • What are regular expressions?

  • The match Function

  • The search Function

  • Matching vs searching

  • Search and Replace

  • Extended Regular Expressions

  • Wildcard

Module 7 : Python Oracle Database Access

  • Install the cx_Oracle and other Packages

  • Create Database Connection


  • DML and DDL Oepration with Databases

  • Performing Transactions

  • Handling Database Errors

  • Disconnecting Database



Data Base –

Understanding the Database Schema

Using Python SQL Libraries to Connect to a Database




Creating Tables




Inserting Records




Selecting Records




Updating Table Records




Deleting Table Records















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